Tel: (905) 918-3852

About OMA

OpenMind Alliance

Gateway to Learning

Since 2009, OpenMind Alliance Inc. (OMA) has been providing centre-based services to children with special needs and Autism. We specialize in teaching behavior management, communication, and academic skills, using a multi-disciplinary teaching method of Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA), Verbal Behavior (VB) and Natural Environment Teaching (NET). Our School is uniquely designed to meet the sensory needs of our students by reducing unnecessary stimuli and providing an environment that promotes both social learning and academic achievements. Our students ages range from 2 to 20 years old. Our goal is to help our students to become effective students and to achieve independent lives.

6 Gateway to Learning

OpenMind Alliance is also a Direct Funding Option (DFO) agency

We are providing services to children funded by the Ontario Autism Program (OAP). All programs across the domains are supervised by our Principal and clinical supervisor, Sue Co.

OMA strives to offer our students a well-rounded education by addressing individual needs in both the academic and the behaviour areas. We have proven successful cases in bringing our students closer to their actual grade level through the deployment of our three-phase Bridge Program.